- The petition form which must be used is located on the alacourt.gov website under the Home link, then the eForms link. In the top right-hand corner, search for Expungement and then click on Expungement Petition - CR-65. The link is: Expungement Petition
As indicated on the Expungement Petition only ONE offense per petition may be filed; multi-count cases require multiple petitions and filing fees.
The Filing Fee: An "administrative filing fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per filing shall be paid at the time the petition is filed and is a condition precedent to any expungement ruling of the circuit court. This filing fee cannot be waived, but the court may take into account a petitioner's indigency ("if the court finds the petitioner is indigent, the court may set forth a payment plan for the petitioner to satisfy the filing fee over a period of time, which shall be paid in full, prior to any order granting an expungement"). See Section 15-27-4(b), Code of Alabama.
- The law requires that a person filing a petition for Expungement attach the Official Certified Criminal Record obtained from ACJIC. The ACJIC website for attaching the application (fillable PDF doc) for that record is https://www.alea.gov. There is a helpful link on that page for "Criminal Record Expungement" which may answer other questions you may have.
- You must obtain a certified record of arrest, disposition or the case action summary from the appropriate agency for the court record you are seeking to expunge. If your case was filed in the Shelby County District or Circuit Court, the fee is $10.00 per charge and/or count and may be obtained by submitting a Request for Record.
- Petition for Expungement and all other documentation must be paper-filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk.
These resources are available to the public. Our office is not permitted to give legal advice. Should you have further questions not addressed at one of these sites, please contact an attorney.